Recreating a Legend...
"It delivered the crème de le crème of delay, pitch and almost anything related to special, time and pitch-based effects...Prepare to be wowed and humbled by this stellar, spot-on, virtual re-creation of the vintage hardware."
The H3000 Factory is a re-creation of several key algorithms from the H3000 Harmonizer® effects processor. The plug-in provides a convenient modular interface to combine up to 18 effects blocks together in a practically limitless number of configurations. It offers pairs of sweepable delays, pitch shifters, filters, mixers, amplitude modulators (or VCAs), and an assortment of modulation sources including two low frequency oscillators, envelope generators and more. Each of your custom effects can be easily manipulated in real time or synchronized to a session. All of this flexibility, with the sought-after sound of the H3000, brings you a great-sounding plug-in that's as versatile as the original that inspired it.
- Over 450 presets including over 100 new artist presets and over 100 original presets from the H3000.
- Available effects blocks include delays, amplitude modulators, envelope followers, pitch shifters, filters and low frequency oscillators.
- The Function Generator features nineteen waveshapes, a white noise generator, MIDI control and a sidechain input.
- All delays and LFOs can be locked to system tempo. Each delay can be looped and offers a low pass filter.
- The filters are selectable band pass, high pass, and low pass with variable Q, and can be swept and modulated without audible artifacts.
"...You’ll be amply rewarded with sounds that transcend the ordinary."