The Versatile Compressor that Ruled the 80s

In the later eras of hardware, this processing powerhouse was huge for live sound, broadcast, and studios—thanks to VCA compression, peak limiting, de-essing, side-chaining, and 11 frequency-dependent responses. In the studio, it was known for its explosive compression sound on drums and drum machines.
The meticulous modeling truly captures the acclaimed sound, but this rejuvenated plugin also embellishes the original hardware with more features, added versatility, and extra ease of use.
The BSS DPR-402, in a Plug-in!
The BSS DPR-402 was a legendary dynamics processor, famous for its versatility and the punchy, explosive magic it worked on almost anything you fed it. In cooperation with BSS Audio, Waves modeled a mint-condition vintage unit and at Producer Sources, we're delighted with the resulting plug-in. Like the original hardware, the Waves BSS DPR-402 can function as a compressor, a limiter, or a de-esser. But it's when you combine functions that the '402 really shines. You can individually process segments of the frequency spectrum, as well, leaving the remaining audio untouched. From narrow-band compression to bass expansion to general dynamics processing, the Waves DPR-402 aces it all.
‣Plug-in designed in cooperation with BSS Audio
A meticulous model of the versatile BSS DPR-402 compressor/limiter/de-esser
Individually control the dynamics of select frequency ranges
12 modes provide fast access to various combinations of dynamics processing
2 independent sidechains per channel provide additional flexibility
Auto Mode provides program-dependent attack and release
MS matrix separately processes mid and sides